نصائح غذائية لي انقاص الوزن فى شهر رمضان

هل الصيام فى رمضان فرصة لإنقاص الوزن واتباع الأنظمة الغذائية برغم ما تمتلئ به المائدة الرمضانية من حلوى وأطعمة دسمة، وما هى النصائح التى يمكن اتباعها فى هذا الشهر؟
يجيب الدكتور أسامة حفنى، استشارى العلاج الطبيعى وعلاج السمنة، قائلا، رمضان فرصة عظيمة لأن يتعود الإنسان على تحمل الجوع وبالتالى يستطيع أن ينظم طعامه وينتهز فرصة الشهر الكريم فى الحصول على إنقاص الوزن الذى يريده، صحيح أن معدلات الحرق تقل فى رمضان بسبب عدم الشرب نهائيا فى نهار رمضان إلا أنه يمكننا دائما التعويض بالإكثار من شرب الماء بعد المغرب فعلينا الاهتمام بالإكثار من شرب الماء فى فترة بعد الإفطار وبعد التراويح، مع الاهتمام بشرب ما لا يقل عن 3 لترات ماء يوميا، كما يجب عدم تناول شىء بين الإفطار والسحور ولا مانع من شرب الشاى أو القهوة بدون سكر أو باستخدام بدائل السكر كما يجب الإكثار من المشى والنشاط الحركى قدر الإمكان.
ويفضل المشى ساعة بعد التراويح، كما ننصح دائما بعدم دفق الطعام مرة واحدة عند المغرب، ولكن يمكن تناول حبة واحدة فقط من التمر مع شرب 2 كوب ماء عند أذان المغرب ثم الانتظار ربع ساعة للصلاة، ثم الإفطار بعد ذلك ويفضل بدء الطعام بطبق من الشوربة غير الدسمة مثل شوربة الخضار.
أما بالنسبة لحلويات رمضان مثل الكنافة والقطايف فلا مانع من تناول قطعة واحدة فقط يوميا وتكون قطعة الكنافة فى حجم علبة الكبريت الصغيرة، وإذا شعرت بالجوع بين الإفطار والسحور يمكن تناول أى كمية من الخس أو الخيار أو الجزر، ويجب تجنب العصائر والمياه الغازية والمشروبات الرمضانية التى يوضع فيها كمية كبيرة من السكر، ويمكن استعاضتها بالكركديه المصنوع فى المنزل أو عصير الليمون 
.الطازج مع استعمال بدائل السكر فى التحلية

yoga to lose weight

6 Yoga Poses You Can Practice At Home, To Lose Weight Faster

Apart from the fact that it keeps you fit, strengthen your core and others, yoga is also a great way to lose weight. It is very effective for weight loss if done properly and also practiced regularly.  
A lot of persons may get scared and refuse to practice it, because they are afraid of injuries. The truth is that if you practice yoga under the supervision of a trained professional, the chances of injuries will be minimal.
 Those looking for ways to achieve some weight loss, can rely on yoga to achieve that. Yoga is very affordable and the results you get are always great.
Below are some yoga pose to practice and their benefits;
  1. Half-Moon pose
The half-moon pose is a great style that helps to tone the buttocks, upper as well as the inner thighs. The added stretch that is carried out on the side of the tummy, helps in burning off those unsightly love handles as well as strengthen your core. In as much as this style is very effective, individuals that have cases like digestive disorder, injury on the spine or even high blood pressure, should avoid doing this pose
  1. Warrior pose
This is another great yoga that works wonders. It helps to stretch your back region, strengthen thighs, buttocks and also helps to initiate weight loss. This pose is a very special one and therefore must be practiced under the supervision or instruction from a yoga professional. It should also be avoided as much as people for people who have knee, shoulder or back trouble, or high blood pressure.
  1. Warrior pose 2
This aasana has great benefits. It helps to strengthen the muscles in the back region, thighs, abdomen, as well as core.
 It can also help the individual to lose weight. Yes, it is true that this pose, like the first one is very effective, but do not go ahead to practice it, if you suffer from diarrhea or high blood pressure.
  1. The chair pose
If you are looking for a yoga style, that will help you to strengthen your core muscles, thighs as well as tone the buttocks, then the chair pose will work well for you.
 But what you should know is that you cannot perform this pose if you have knee or back injury.
  1. Tree pose
This aansa works well for your abdomen's muscles and it also helps to tone the arms and thighs. But there are things you should be aware of before you practice it. If you are suffering from cases like an injury on your back or knee, please do this under the supervision of a yoga expert.
  1. Forward bending pose
The forward bending pose is also very effective.
 This aansa can stretch the hamstring and also put some pressure on the muscles of the abdomen. By doing this yoga, blood is allowed to rush to the head, and thus help the body to switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, which causes you to relax.
You can gain access to more information about yoga here https://www.siddhiyoga.com/yoga-in-bali.php
Yoga lessons in Bali are very affordable and effective, so why not join us to and transform your body for good?

Weight Loss Resources for Obesity - How to Lose Weight With Diet

There are a variety of weight loss remedies for obesity online. If you want to know how to lose weight with proper diet, then you take a very wise decision.

If you try to lose weight or get in shape, then you know it can be an uphill battle. There are diets and exercise programs considered to account, not to mention all the discipline to stick to a single plan. It seems terribly difficult, right?

Well, relax. What we do not know is that studies now show that even small changes make consistent digestion, diet, exercise and stress levels will help you lose more weight and become more fit as radical diets or heavy exercise regimens.

The most important thing to remember is that simple. To succeed, choose the areas you want to change the four things mentioned above, and stick to it. Radical changes in lifestyle can be very damaging and stressful, which can actually lead to weight gain. Small changes that comply can actually increase your energy and improve the way you feel every day.

Let one of four areas that I just mentioned - how to improve your digestion.

Your digestion is a cornerstone of a fit body, slim and healthy. Why? Because digestion is the process by which the body converts the food you eat into energy that can be used. If your digestion does not work effectively, it is possible that:

- Weight gain.

- Sleepiness and / or tired.

- Do you suffer from acid reflux, indigestion, and / or gas after meals.

- Get less beneficial effects of exercise.

- Having skin problems such as dull skin or other problems.

- To develop allergies.

The most important factor of healthy digestion is efficiency. What you eat to enter your body, they are treated for maximum power, and leave your body, all within 18-24 hours. Now, how can you tell how fast the food goes through your system? Try testing beet.

Beet test

To find out how quickly food travels through your system, use beets. The beets have a very characteristic red color to display in your stool. Eat a beet or two, then control the time it takes for Red Back bowel movements. If it takes more than 18-24 hours, then your digestion is slow and does not work with greater efficiency.

Two steps to improve digestion

If your digestion is not up, do not worry. There are some simple tips to help you get up to speed ways. The use of nutritional supplements at therapeutic levels is one of the best ways to quickly improve digestion with little or no side effects. Here's how:

1. Take enzymes: Because most of our foods no longer contain the enzymes necessary for proper digestion, may need to take additional enzymes in foods. Enzymes are the first step of digestion.

2. Add Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our intestines, and complete the process of digestion. Probiotics are bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus as well as many others. Probiotics are crucial because much of our results of weight gain not having probiotics, which causes food to stay (and rot) in our guts.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/693554


Important Weight Loss Tips

It is important that when creating your exercise plan, that you develop every part of your body equally. Some of the top diets that are out there right now have the same essential break down. This break down involves reducing your intake of things like fats, carbohydrates, and food that have outrageous amounts of calories.
 How would you like to lose the tummy fat and show off to your friends the perfect body? Weight loss has always been a popular issue in our society. 
Thus, you need these important weight loss tips. There are many different programs to choose from, but healthy eating is the most important thing you can do.
One of the first things you should do when starting a weight-loss program is to increase your water intake. Not only does these help your body feel full, but it keeps your body hydrated and helps to flush toxins out. If you are not in great shape you can choose flat roads and bike a short distance and still get a good workout. 
You can also step it up by increasing the distance or by riding through hilly areas. Swimming is easy on the body, especially the joints, while providing a healthy work out. If you have not swum before, lessons can be found at your local community center or swimming pool, as well as in your yellow pages. One of the best things about biking is its flexibility of difficulty-if you are just starting out you can take paths that are short and flat or if you want a real workout you could go ride through hilly areas.
 VBG is a restrictive procedure. During this procedure, the stomach is stapled near the esophagus to create a smaller stomach pouch.
All of this requires energy, and if this energy is more than the energy from the food is providing, you burn calories. Instead of the typical breakfast, lunch, dinner approach tries having four to five smaller meals a day.
 It will help your metabolism continuously burn your fat cells. The number one benefit is that eating them has a tendency to increase your immune system and will help you fight sickness.
 Once in a while, it's okay to give in to that craving. If you don't, overeating will creep in and grab you by your taste buds before you know it.
There are plenty of resources and you can definitely find a non-biased review of what you want. 
Start small, commit for one week at a time and before you know it, you will be fitting into those jeans that have been hidden in the back of your closet. Nutrition is not the only thing that is important in weight loss.
 As you lose the weight, you will want to tone the body. If you want to kick pounds to the curb and get in the best shape of your life, 
follow the above weight loss tips.
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