yoga to lose weight

6 Yoga Poses You Can Practice At Home, To Lose Weight Faster

Apart from the fact that it keeps you fit, strengthen your core and others, yoga is also a great way to lose weight. It is very effective for weight loss if done properly and also practiced regularly.  
A lot of persons may get scared and refuse to practice it, because they are afraid of injuries. The truth is that if you practice yoga under the supervision of a trained professional, the chances of injuries will be minimal.
 Those looking for ways to achieve some weight loss, can rely on yoga to achieve that. Yoga is very affordable and the results you get are always great.
Below are some yoga pose to practice and their benefits;
  1. Half-Moon pose
The half-moon pose is a great style that helps to tone the buttocks, upper as well as the inner thighs. The added stretch that is carried out on the side of the tummy, helps in burning off those unsightly love handles as well as strengthen your core. In as much as this style is very effective, individuals that have cases like digestive disorder, injury on the spine or even high blood pressure, should avoid doing this pose
  1. Warrior pose
This is another great yoga that works wonders. It helps to stretch your back region, strengthen thighs, buttocks and also helps to initiate weight loss. This pose is a very special one and therefore must be practiced under the supervision or instruction from a yoga professional. It should also be avoided as much as people for people who have knee, shoulder or back trouble, or high blood pressure.
  1. Warrior pose 2
This aasana has great benefits. It helps to strengthen the muscles in the back region, thighs, abdomen, as well as core.
 It can also help the individual to lose weight. Yes, it is true that this pose, like the first one is very effective, but do not go ahead to practice it, if you suffer from diarrhea or high blood pressure.
  1. The chair pose
If you are looking for a yoga style, that will help you to strengthen your core muscles, thighs as well as tone the buttocks, then the chair pose will work well for you.
 But what you should know is that you cannot perform this pose if you have knee or back injury.
  1. Tree pose
This aansa works well for your abdomen's muscles and it also helps to tone the arms and thighs. But there are things you should be aware of before you practice it. If you are suffering from cases like an injury on your back or knee, please do this under the supervision of a yoga expert.
  1. Forward bending pose
The forward bending pose is also very effective.
 This aansa can stretch the hamstring and also put some pressure on the muscles of the abdomen. By doing this yoga, blood is allowed to rush to the head, and thus help the body to switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, which causes you to relax.
You can gain access to more information about yoga here
Yoga lessons in Bali are very affordable and effective, so why not join us to and transform your body for good?

Weight Loss Resources for Obesity - How to Lose Weight With Diet

There are a variety of weight loss remedies for obesity online. If you want to know how to lose weight with proper diet, then you take a very wise decision.

If you try to lose weight or get in shape, then you know it can be an uphill battle. There are diets and exercise programs considered to account, not to mention all the discipline to stick to a single plan. It seems terribly difficult, right?

Well, relax. What we do not know is that studies now show that even small changes make consistent digestion, diet, exercise and stress levels will help you lose more weight and become more fit as radical diets or heavy exercise regimens.

The most important thing to remember is that simple. To succeed, choose the areas you want to change the four things mentioned above, and stick to it. Radical changes in lifestyle can be very damaging and stressful, which can actually lead to weight gain. Small changes that comply can actually increase your energy and improve the way you feel every day.

Let one of four areas that I just mentioned - how to improve your digestion.

Your digestion is a cornerstone of a fit body, slim and healthy. Why? Because digestion is the process by which the body converts the food you eat into energy that can be used. If your digestion does not work effectively, it is possible that:

- Weight gain.

- Sleepiness and / or tired.

- Do you suffer from acid reflux, indigestion, and / or gas after meals.

- Get less beneficial effects of exercise.

- Having skin problems such as dull skin or other problems.

- To develop allergies.

The most important factor of healthy digestion is efficiency. What you eat to enter your body, they are treated for maximum power, and leave your body, all within 18-24 hours. Now, how can you tell how fast the food goes through your system? Try testing beet.

Beet test

To find out how quickly food travels through your system, use beets. The beets have a very characteristic red color to display in your stool. Eat a beet or two, then control the time it takes for Red Back bowel movements. If it takes more than 18-24 hours, then your digestion is slow and does not work with greater efficiency.

Two steps to improve digestion

If your digestion is not up, do not worry. There are some simple tips to help you get up to speed ways. The use of nutritional supplements at therapeutic levels is one of the best ways to quickly improve digestion with little or no side effects. Here's how:

1. Take enzymes: Because most of our foods no longer contain the enzymes necessary for proper digestion, may need to take additional enzymes in foods. Enzymes are the first step of digestion.

2. Add Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our intestines, and complete the process of digestion. Probiotics are bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus as well as many others. Probiotics are crucial because much of our results of weight gain not having probiotics, which causes food to stay (and rot) in our guts.

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Important Weight Loss Tips

It is important that when creating your exercise plan, that you develop every part of your body equally. Some of the top diets that are out there right now have the same essential break down. This break down involves reducing your intake of things like fats, carbohydrates, and food that have outrageous amounts of calories.
 How would you like to lose the tummy fat and show off to your friends the perfect body? Weight loss has always been a popular issue in our society. 
Thus, you need these important weight loss tips. There are many different programs to choose from, but healthy eating is the most important thing you can do.
One of the first things you should do when starting a weight-loss program is to increase your water intake. Not only does these help your body feel full, but it keeps your body hydrated and helps to flush toxins out. If you are not in great shape you can choose flat roads and bike a short distance and still get a good workout. 
You can also step it up by increasing the distance or by riding through hilly areas. Swimming is easy on the body, especially the joints, while providing a healthy work out. If you have not swum before, lessons can be found at your local community center or swimming pool, as well as in your yellow pages. One of the best things about biking is its flexibility of difficulty-if you are just starting out you can take paths that are short and flat or if you want a real workout you could go ride through hilly areas.
 VBG is a restrictive procedure. During this procedure, the stomach is stapled near the esophagus to create a smaller stomach pouch.
All of this requires energy, and if this energy is more than the energy from the food is providing, you burn calories. Instead of the typical breakfast, lunch, dinner approach tries having four to five smaller meals a day.
 It will help your metabolism continuously burn your fat cells. The number one benefit is that eating them has a tendency to increase your immune system and will help you fight sickness.
 Once in a while, it's okay to give in to that craving. If you don't, overeating will creep in and grab you by your taste buds before you know it.
There are plenty of resources and you can definitely find a non-biased review of what you want. 
Start small, commit for one week at a time and before you know it, you will be fitting into those jeans that have been hidden in the back of your closet. Nutrition is not the only thing that is important in weight loss.
 As you lose the weight, you will want to tone the body. If you want to kick pounds to the curb and get in the best shape of your life, 
follow the above weight loss tips.
Get the Most Up To Date Tips and Info on Herbal Weight Loss or the Ever Fast Growing Popular Green Tea Weight Loss Oprah at

7 Easy Ways To Lose Weight

70% of the country are on a diet at any one time. Why? Because most people want to lose weight. The majority do it for vanity but some do it for health reasons. Whatever the reasons people want to lose weight, there are easier ways to do it than a traditional diet. Below are seven alternative, easy ways to lose weight.
1. The Atkins way. Discovered by Robert Atkins in 1992, the Atkins diet is counter intuitive to dieting. You eat fattening food! It was controversial at the time. No veg, no fruit, just plenty of fat and protein. The Atkins diet is a great alternative for someone who doesn't like the healthy option.
2. Pulse training. Pulse training has other names but they all mean the same thing. You basically work like a madman for as little as fifteen minutes a day. The rest of the time you can do what you like. An exercise bike or a treadmill is handy, unless you don't mind your neighbors seeing. You need to really go for it in those 15 minutes. You need to really slog it out for 15 minutes, then relax for the other 23 hours, 45 minutes a day. Your body does the rest.
3. Load your calories in the morning. Your body doesn't burn calories at the same time every day. By loading your calories in the morning your body will burn them off in the afternoon and start burning your fat in the evening. Its weight loss without any effort. No need to exercise, just go about your life as usual, just don't eat after lunch. Shovel in donuts, burgers, whatever you like in the morning.
4. Stop your cravings with a fist clench. Research has shown that you can stave off your cravings by clenching your fists when you feel the urge. Fancy a burger? Or a pizza? Just clench those fists, as hard as you can... And you may need to keep clenching if you are prone to the occasional KFC.
5. Fasting. It's not the easiest way to lose weight but you can fast for short periods of time each week. The theory is that your calories averaged over a week will add up to a certain amount that you need to sustain your weight. If you aren't currently gaining weight then you could lose weight by fasting for one of the days of the week. On that day, cut your calories by half and you will lose weight over time.6. Make your plates smaller. Psychologically your brain will see a full plate and believe it is eating a full meal. It doesn't really matter how big your plate is either. You can trick your brain into thinking you are getting a full meal, even if your meal is smaller. Just use a smaller plate than usual... In fact get rid of your usual plates and get much smaller ones. It's amazing how easy it is to trick yourself.
7. Get on the soup and liquids. Soup holds liquid in your stomach better and makes you feel fuller for longer. If your stomach is full you are less likely to snack and less likely to eat between meals. Top up your soup with lots and lots of water. Water is a calorie free trick to fill your stomach and stop the urges to snack.Losing weight can be hard work, the seven tips above can help but if you do a little hunting around you can find even more ways to lose weight.
Most people fail after a period of weight loss success. They diet and then have a little break and the weight piles back on.And some people just seem to find it impossible to lose weight at all. Well there may be more reasons why you struggle so much. Reasons you don't know.By far the best way to lose weight is to try something new. Its madness to keep trying the same thing over and over and not succeeding.Or if you are more of a traditional dieter, you might try our 2000 calorie per day diet.Article Source:

4 Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight

It's the dream of every person interested in losing weight to lose as much weight as possible within a short period of time. While some people attain their target weights within the set time, the majority of them don't. Have been exercising, dieting and doing all the right things and still can't lose weight? I understand that it can be very frustrating. 
If you are one of these people, here are some of the major reasons why you aren't losing weight:
You Have Hit A Plateau
Ask anyone who has tried losing weight and he/she will tell you that he/she has hit a plateau at a certain time. There are many factors that can result to you hitting a plateau. One of the reasons is engaging in the same workouts over and over again. Remember that your body needs to be challenged for it to progress. To avoid the plateau, you should change your program after very 4-6 weeks.

Another reason for the plateau is if you aren't eating enough calories. Research studies show that if you don't have enough fuel to sustain your level of activity, you will definitely stop losing weight.
Although, it's recommended that you exercise for you to lose weight, overtraining has been linked with a plateau. When you over train, you overwork your body and the body responds by decreasing the amount of calories that you burn.
You Avoid Proteins
Proteins are not only important in building muscles, they also enhance the feeling of satiety. They also prevent you from losing muscle. The best way of taking proteins is taking them in your breakfast. Great sources of proteins include: lean poultry, fish, black beans and lentils.
You Are Inconsistent
For you to be successful in anything in life, you need to be consistent. There is no way you will exercise one day and then relax the other-you need to be consistent. To lose weight you need to engage in both cardio and strength training exercise.
When it comes to cardio exercises, you should engage in interval training for 2-3 days a week. To burn more fat you should alternate between high intensity and low intensity exercises while leaving enough recovery time.

Strength training exercises are aimed at helping you to build muscle. To make the exercises exciting you should engage in circuit training. This is where you do one exercise after another. In addition to building muscle, you increase your heart rate and burn a lot of calories.
To build muscles fast you should regularly challenge yourself. This calls for you to always lift weights that are enough for you.

You Have A Medical Condition
Medication conditions such as thyroid diseases will prevent you from losing weight. Thyroid deficiency will cause a reduction in the rate of metabolism which will result to weight gain. If you have a medical condition, you should visit your medical doctor to have it rectified.
These are some of the reasons why you aren't losing weight. To continue losing the weight you need to identify what is deterring you from doing it and fix it.

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Alchemical Weight Loss - Transformation of Excessive Weight Into Human Spirit

The unsolved problem of obesity:
Coping with overweight is one of the most desperating issues for those who experience it. Conventional efforts for treating the problem by means of diet and physical exercise are revealed again and again as ineffective in the long run. Still, most human beings keep trying in the same ways. The result is always another rise in weight, with the addition of failure feelings, helplessness and desperation. The reason for failure lies in the misunderstanding of the dynamics in which the physical body gains weight.

The known diet is based on the assumption that the physical body raises as a result of excessive caloric balance which turns into physical material - excessive fat. According to this understanding the derived conclusion is that reducing the consumption of physical material - food - will bring about a reduction of the physical body. This perception is mistaken because it is based on a narrowing view and on analytical causation, which suggest a physical solution to what is sees as a problem that is physical in essence. This conception oversimplifies the complexity of man and neglects the many strata that affect his life, far beyond the physical dimension. Due to that, it cannot offer an effective solution to the problem. The holistic perspective on man tells us that in order to solve a problem, physical as well, we are ought to expand the point of view and understand the entirety of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual causes, in which it was created.

The roots of the obesity problem - Reversed alchemy of gold into lead:
The alchemical perspective on the obesity phenomenon begins with the perception that man is an entity that own creation forces, and is capable of building by himself its physical body, emotional world, mental forces and spiritual strength, and create the physical and spiritual reality in which he or she lives. This force is executed by the ability of man to do a transformation of itself and its environment from low energy existence to existence of a higher frequency, in the same way that an alchemist turns lead into gold. In fact, this is the aim of his life and to there leads his personal path. Overweight is a sign that for some reason the person is focused too much on creating himself a physical body, and neglects the creation of other parts of him and his life.

Creation forces that reside in man are executed by the interaction of two fundamental and opposing energies. These energies are known in different names as matter and spirit, prana and shakti, yin and yang, and so on. In this article I shall refer to these energies as light and darkness.

The interaction between these opposing forces has been the factor that created man while being in the womb of its mother, and in the first years of its life. This creating interaction can exist when these two energies are distinct from each other. In this situation the light supplies the creation program and the darkness creates the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual structures needed for its execution. However, with birth the strength of darkness intensifies, due to the primal trauma of disconnection from cosmic feeding, and it is expressed in the constitution of strong pulling (gravitational) forces that absorb light into them.

In this situation man lacks the ability to execute the creation program that is imprinted in him, because the absorption of light by darkness creates a process of reverse alchemy in which it declines in its frequencies. The result is that instead of being a creating force it turns to an exterminating force that continues to transform high frequency material to low frequency material. The result is that the man gets to a route of death and termination, instead of continuing creation and development.

The light that is swallowed in darkness, perpetually keeps trying to execute the creation intention in it, and it tries to turn the direction of the alchemical process, to increase in its frequency and escape from the absorption of darkness. These efforts are actually seen in various human behaviors, from physical manifestations to emotional, mental and spiritual expressions. The ability of light to escape from darkness is totally dependent on the acknowledgment and acceptance of these human manifestations by its human environment in the first years of its life. But because the light that tries to escape is of a low frequency, it is manifested as behaviors that do not look lighted, and they express mostly egoistic personal wishes. Society, in general, rejects most of these expressions and forbids them and later on man learns to reject them himself, usually in an automatic unconscious way.

Weight gain as a result of the rejection of light and its collapse:
In order to be expressed as light that has the ability of giving, instead of absorption qualities that darkness has, light has to vibrate in the frequency that is right for it. The rejection of the light that tried to escape darkness causes it to lose this frequency and it collapses into a chaotic structure of a too low frequency, in which it continues to be expressed as darkness. The collapse is taking place in a complex process, in which the light that tried to go out is not falling back to a dimension of total in-existence, but collapses to lower levels of existence than the ones it should have reached. Light that was supposed, for example, to create a solid and functional physical body but was rejected, decreases in its frequency and creates a lower frequency physical body that is nonfunctional and is not supposed to exist according to the program of man. In other words - it creates fat. In the same way light that wad supposed to be manifested as an emotion and was rejected, deteriorates in its frequency and becomes a physical matter that is again manifested as fat.
Thus, there is a sustainment of the process in which the rejection of light (either by society, or by the unconsciousness of man) moves it to exist in lower energetic levels (characterized by forces of absorption and destruction instead of creation) than the ones in which it is supposed to be. Thus the reversed alchemy through which light goes, builds a physical body that is growing by the superfluous layers that are added to it, and the result is overweight. Man continues to be created, but the structure it creates is chaotic, unbalanced and distorted. The light that tried to get out of darkness in order to execute the creation program inside it, is left in the level of physical body as an unrealized potential.
The relationship between food and obesity in alchemical view:
In its unstopping efforts to raise the frequencies of light that collapsed to darkness, man is looking for external energy that will assist him in achieving that. This energy exists in the world as manifestations of spiritual entities to which man calls God, cosmos, Shiva, etc. However, because he hesitates to place full trust in them he prefers to receive energy from earthly sources, and food is the most available source that man consumes in order to enable the light in him to escape from the pull of the darkness. But because the food is consumed by a man whose energetic structure is characterized by absorption forces in the first place, it too goes through reversed alchemy processes. The food structure turns chaotic and his energy is absorbed to areas whose frequency is too low and which are continuing to grow as a physical body. That's why food can, and does, cause overweight.
Narrowing the amounts of food and its composition by diet admittedly brings about reduction in the sizes of physical body, because it reduces the absorption forces by denying energy from them, thereby allowing more light to come out, mainly from the unproportionally created body. Yet, the rise of light raises also the fear of new rejection of it, and this fear turns to a gravitational force that prevents the light from getting out. Moreover - it brings about collapse of additional light that succeeded to escape. The result is that diet even strengthens the absorption forces and the reverse alchemy processes, and when man stops the diet and returns to eat as usual, his body gains weight even more. Thus, the more man experiences additional diets, the lower are his chances to reduce his weight, because his structure becomes more and more energetically absorbing and the reverse alchemy processes in him become stronger and stronger. The result is increasing fattening.
Alchemical weight loss - transduction of physical material:
According to the alchemical perspective weight loss is a process in which the light that collapsed and turned into redundant physical material, is rising again in its frequencies and reaches the energetic levels that are right for it. The result of reducing weight in this way is emergence of new parts in the person, in his emotional, mental and spiritual world, as well as his physical body. This weight reduction process creates an alchemy of low material into a new person, more complexed and of a higher energetic frequency existence.
From a person with an exaggerated mass of low frequency material, which looks like physical material, it turns into a more developed entity with creation forces and creation intentions, instead of destruction forces, including the destruction of self. This process is bringing the person to a route of energetic transduction, gives hope to his life, gives him back his connection to self, enables him to feel capable to realize his wishes, gives him the ability to distinguish between good and bad in his life, and mostly enables him to feel connected to an entity bigger than himself. Thereby this process fixes the feeling of existential loneliness that characterizes men's life. This is a very different way from the way of an ordinary diet in which the person tries to get rid of parts of himself, and thereby strengthen the self blame, desperation, anger, and feeling of alienation.
The way to alchemical transduction of body weight:
In order to start the alchemical process that is necessary for the reduction of weight it is first needed to stop the continuation of the reversed alchemy processes inside us. These processes do not allow us to grow and they turn our potential to physical material.

These processes, in essence, are light that does not succeed to approach consciousness and therefore decreases in its frequencies, and thus the most important elementary tool to stop them is drawing attention to these processes by awareness to the fact of their existence. Such awareness enables the person a feeling of control that he didn't have beforehand, when he felt helpless against his arbitrarily changing weight without knowing why, and how to prevent it. The feeling of control provides him also an ability to choose between life without self realization that is characterized by the familiar suffering, including excessive fattening, and a life in which he struggles to free the light in him and creates himself and his environment and obtains a balanced body, among others. This article consists as one such a tool of drawing awareness to these processes.
Freeing the light also requires getting over the fear from rejection and fear from change.
 Those fears are embedded in the nervous system and getting over it requires techniques that overpass that system. Such techniques come from varies domains of treatment, including EMDR, Kinesiology, and others. More techniques need to be developed and it requires a cooperation of researchers and therapists. Treating overweight is much more then controlling nutrition. It is a project of spiritual development of private man and humanity. That is an interesting point of view. Wouldn't you say?

A transformative psychotherapist who is engaged in spiritual alchemy.

Has a B.A. degree in Psychology and an M.A. degree in Social Work. Kinesiologist, IPEC therapist, and a therapist of Kabbalist healing. Treats body and soul problems by means of transforming the disease and hardship and turning them through alchemical process to energy sources, instead of being content with the reduction of pain that they cause.
In recent years I'm researching the field of physical expression of consciousness, as a way to develop means for consciousness change while overcoming those "dimmed" consciousness parts, which resist change, and reversing them in a transformative process to a lighted consciousness that creates change. One of the main fields that I research is the way in which overweight evolves as a result of black holes in human consciousness and the creation of reversal of alchemical processes that cause the turning of human spirit into excessive material. 
In this field I write articles, teach, lecture and direct seminars for weight reduction by renewing personal creation forces.

freedom of the mind and the soul and not the freedom of the body

Freedom is freedom of the mind and the soul and not the freedom of the body
Everyone is looking for freedom and even some prescribed death in the process, while not understand much meaning and some people live and they think that they obtained while they are chained more than a prisoner held in a jail ... and what comes to the opposite of freedom and is the occupation and repression, bringing to starring deviation and pictures in control of the people or an individual without the latter feel so.

There is a saying that says "Be Free as a day have begotten mother" ... does not it often agree, but I think the opposite of freedom is what happens when you are born human begins first moments of his life in this world and is crying and like expressing his sadness because he day of his birth since the start of them are older than him restrict his freedom and refine his character and draw the borders of his thought and in spite of his desire that refuses to see all of that is subject to his mother and his father, believing they are better role models that can take them to learn how to face the challenges of life and what is much simpler. And when they reach their teens or so-called so see some erupts on every Alanzm and others remain submissive or struggling in the inside of his mind without show for it and over the years become a man convinced that what they do is liberated, which imposed on him in the early and old years While he tries to free itself comes to him more than the minimum, which wants to impose itself upon the laws of society his requests and surname have their requests and religious foundations and moral has its limitations and many, many other, as if the world had developed a plan ready to be walking out of order " success "or that the stepper is" successful ".

While getting all of that thinker becomes unable to get out the limits of the thought of others and of a particular faith, whether political, religious or other is capable of thinking because thinking is described as if Kafr or betrayal or departure from the familiar comes numerous words to describe all of the out on the footsteps of the former: infidel traitor ... ... lost ... .mehrtq (By the way meaning the ability to choose in ancient Greece) ... lost ... and a lot is these words that most often describe the state is a non-habit ... and by the way, these words were calling each came from the completion of scientific and many who came heavenly messages A great and most of accomplished great achievements is the basis of what we are today.

And some think that freedom is to prevent the other from the detention of the flesh, and while they are trying to liberate the body become slaves thought of invited them to break free, supposing that the teachings of the one who started the process of liberalization is the only way and there is no alternative and that there is no one person who work for freedom to come in ways that are different in nature, but at the end of the road leading to the arrival of the same goal. The colonizer and occupier Vikdm Bastammarh than just the occupation of the land to penetrate intellectually and advertising malevolent quiet war aimed to control the mind and spirit ... and ways of doing so vary: some of which is the simplest and is Mohi personal identity or work on the removal of self that someday trust will be liberated the mind and of which comes in the form of thought colonized occupies the mind and leads the soul becomes meaningless and not goal for the life of the flesh ... and which is also what is hidden and complex comes on the way of sowing the seeds of despair and are the most dangerous roads as they make the mind loses the ability to live in the present and instead chooses to live in the past ... fantasy fiction freedom taken away and was not edited, but the defeat is the philosophy occupies the mind and destroy and destroy all of the listener is to him.

Freedom is freedom of the mind and the soul and not the freedom of the body. Many have lost the freedom of their bodies and left in history fingerprints learn the meaning of freedom even today Vakl not speculate and applied what he learned without development or consideration or change useless to those who carried on his shoulders, but it becomes a means serve to put himself with the thought to be a tool of work ends with the scourge of the body ... Freedom means new workout and go to what he considers the mind of land is banned, how can we learn prohibited and permitted if his coffin meaning ... freedom is to visit the other side to learn from it can either learn to free yourself from the idea way and tyranny and either side and to understand the true meaning of freedom after his visit.